I ask you a few minutes of attention.
I’m writing because you subscribed the appeal for freedom of scientific research which, in Italy, is supported by the Istituto Luca Coscioni which I chair, the appeal have seen as first signatoires the professors Roberto Caminiti, Piergiorgio Strata, Giacomo Rizzolatti, with them I share the thought of the urgent need to reflect and debate on: the real relations between science and power, democracy, public participation and the field of information.
The Istituto Luca Coscioni works in the field of knowledge, politics, scientific culture, freedom of research, right to right.
From 2017 the Institute, participate for Italy with the MIPA (Consortium for the development of methodologies and innovations in the public administrations) and with the professor Carla Rossi at the european project financed in the field of the ban “European Research Area Network on Illicit Drugs” prepared by the european Network on the research on the illegal drugs with other organisations from other countries as Belgium, France, Netherlands, Portugal and UK.
Recently we have organised in Rome an important scientific event: La ricerca dei Sé, tra Arte e Neuroscienze? that you will be able to watch and listen here) and which have open the doors of the seat in Rimini street 14, in Rome of the CoscioniLAB, a rigenerate and shared, research, scientific culture, politics, art and knowledge’s place.
This is just the start. In the next months we are setting up an agenda of initiatives and events which reguard the Right, theEnviroment, the Health, the Knowledge, the Self-determination; they will be rounds of theme-days with the support of researchers, scientists, experts in the field, representatives of the culture.
All of us are militants, we can rely only on our ideas, on our self-determination: we want to build and be a secular and libertarian agora, where opinions, experiences, cultures are able to meet, compare, include themselves.
For this reason we need your support and your contribute: real and through ideas. We gived live to a crowdfunding for each subject.
I ask you to help us as you can.
Maria Antonietta Farina Coscioni